Allium sphaerocephalon (drumsticks)

Its 9th January and the garden is still white over and frozen solid so I’m indoors and having another look at the bulbs that Sean and Deb gave me for Christmas. They are all now potted up. Very late as all of them were for Autumn planting so fingers crossed. Most of them are new to me and part of the fun is researching the varieties and finding out what to expect as they grow.

The drumstick allium looks a very interesting variety. The bulbs have already put on about 8″ of growth so I know that there is life in there.

I have read that the Allium sphaerocephalon is very adaptable and easy to use in many ways adapting well to any garden. Advice it to plant the bulbs amongst ornamental grasses or tall wild flowers. They, like all Alliums, are perennial and loved by pollinators so that’s a plus in my book. I’m also a fan of any plant that naturalises and self seeds so another tick from me. The plant is a member of the Leek family and produces reddish purple flowers. The name “sphaerocephalon” derives from ancient Greek and refers to the spherical head of the flower. Apparently these plants have a tendency to become invasive. Good luck to them in my garden then.

All Allium are said to be a bit pungent but I have no problem with that as I have absolutely no sense of smell these days.

The juice of Allium sphaerocephalon is used as a moth repellent and the plant itself is said to repel insects although the flowers are very attractive to pollinators.”

farmer gracy

Tulip humilis Persian Pearl

Wow!!! I’ve just looked this beauty up and what a brilliant surprise. The next of the Tulip bulbs in my box of delights.

I have potted these ten bulbs up but when I read up about them they are apparently perennial and so good to naturalise so here’s hoping I can get them into the garden eventually. They look lovely.

2025 – 11.11

Christmas Present – Tulip – Amazing Grace

Tulip Amazing Grace

A new variety from Farmer Gracy, these were some of the bulbs given to me by Sean and Deb in December. I had no idea until I looked them up what these tulips would look like. They are similar to peony in shape and colour. They are tucked up now in a new pot with some nice new compost. My sort of Christmas present. You can’t beat spring bulbs for new hope and a promise of beautiful things to come.

Today is new years day 2025. It feels so futuristic to me and the blink of an eye since 1956, when I wrote my name in my pristine rough book at the local grammar school. A massive thing for me as my parents weren’t well off and uniform and equipment were a bit out of our reach. I was desperate to go to that school though and I shall never know what a struggle it was for them to get my things together but as always they didn’t let me down. That school, those times, my family and the world I grew up in made me who I am today.

This is my eightieth year and although there have been some ups and downs I’m still here and reasonably healthy. The world is a very different place for my grandchildren to grow up in and I do worry about them.

Peony Mystery

In January 2018 I bought a bare root of a white peony from Wilkos. When it eventually flowered it threw up one flower head which was very pink. This year is the first time since then, eight years ago, that I have had two flower buds. It always seemed to want to just produce one flower and a very tall one at that. I did nothing different this year and it’s reached for the sky but produced two flowers. I am sure that there is something that I should have been doing with this plant so I’ve turned to google.

Types of Peony

Peonies can be divided into three groups, herbaceous, tree peonies and intersectional peonies. The stems of herbaceous peonies are fleshy and die back in autumn and grow again in spring. Tree peonies are woody and remain visible all year round. Intersectional peonies have stems that are both herbaceous, dying back in autumn and woody like tree peonies.

  1. Peonies may not show their true bloom for two to five years.
  2. If you have a peony in the garden and it isn’t flowering, it is probably because it has been planted too deeply or it has been buried when you have mulched your borders. Just wait until the autumn and then, taking care not to damage the buds on the roots, lift your peony and re-plant it at the right depth.
  3. Check that your peony is planted at the proper depth and make sure it has had time to become established.
  4.  Plant the root around 5cm deep with any visible buds facing upwards.

Well, I had no idea that there were so many different types of Peony. I have a tree Peony in a pot that was a gift so again, I didn’t know much about the care it needs.


I’m assuming that my peony is a Herbaceous type so after a bit of research I have decided to enjoy this years flowers, two, and then in the Autumn remove it from its pot and replant it at the correct depth. In late May or early June herbaceous peonies produce long stems topped with fat buds that open into large flowers. These flowers come only in a limited range of colours. These are white, pink and red.

Tree Peony

I have the tree peony in a large pot which we transplanted it into this Spring. Tree peonies can be grown successfully for several years in a large container.  Apparently these flower in the Spring so it looks as though we may have shocked it by moving it so there will be no flowers again this year. After having a look online at the varieties available in this type of peony it will be a nice surprise when it does flower to be able to name the variety.

Peonies can live to a great age. Keep it watered and mulch every spring and it’ll flower in the next few years.” Well, that’s encouraging news from Monty Don.


Intersectional Peonies also known as Itoh Peonies are hybrids created by crossing a tree peony and an herbaceous peony. These hybrids produce flowers and leaves reminiscent of the tree peony parent. After looking at these hybrids I think that maybe these may be the best type to grow. There are such a variety of beautiful blooms.

Intersectional peonies are sometimes called ‘Itoh’ peonies in honour of the Japanese breeder Toichi Itoh who first developed the hybrids in the 1940s.

I feel a bit more informed now about Peonies in general and specifically about the two that are growing in my garden.

Beauty and The Beast

Dahlia Crazy Love

On January 21st 2018 I planted two dahlias, Crazy Love and Snowflake, in a largish pot, or so I thought at the time, cosseted them through the winter and put the pot in the garden. Fast forward to last Summer 2023 and a gigantic Dahlia emerged throwing up one enormous beautiful flower. After flowering it died back and all that was there this spring was a tall, dry, hollow thing and to my shame I couldn’t remember what had been in the pot. I snapped off the dead stalks and top dressed with a little compost and left it in the garden.

This year I have potted up a variety of bare roots and they are here and there round the garden and I have done a daily check for fresh growth on all my pots. For a few days I have seen some new shoots that as soon as they had popped up were being eaten by, I assume, slugs. I decided this morning that action was needed so thinking the slugs were hiding in the pot and popping up daily to eat a breakfast of my plant I emptied the pot and found a monster.

I believe what I found was an enormous clump, obviously pot bound,, of Dahlia. Today I have emptied a large pot that used to contain a Wisteria. The Wisteria simply fell off its perch about a month ago. Simply keeled over. Today I have repotted the monster. I considered splitting it and did a bit of research about how to do this but, whether it was because of the time of year or not I don’t know but it was impossible to budge. Maybe that will be a job for next January.

Crazy Love Dahlias are a new variety that have a truly beautiful flower. Each bloom is a wonderful white kissed with soft lilac at the tip of every petal and they are very easy to grow, perform well in virtually any position in the garden. Dahlia Crazy Love is also a fantastic choice to make a statement in larger planters. The more blooms you pick, the more the plants will produce. 

Gardening Express

Ok. Can’t wait to see what appears this year.

Ipomoea Pearly Gates

I bought seeds of this climber a few years ago and though I got one vine to about a foot high it never flowered. Last month I was sorting my seed box out and found some seeds at the bottom of the box which had escaped from their packet. I had no idea what they were so I just put them in some compost and the seed leaves which emerged led me to believe they were Morning Glory. I potted on five sturdy seedlings so fingers crossed.

Pearly Gates was the variety I bought. It has large, pure white flowers with a slight creamy tint and a distinct star-shaped throat. A useful addition to fences or to cover an old shed, which was the reason I bought the seeds way back. Had I known what I know now I would have chosen to buy a plant rather than seeds although I have found that plants are hard to source.

Morning glory, Ipomoea tricolor, is a frost tender annual climber that bears beautiful, flowers on fast growing twining stems with heart shaped green leaves. Morning glories usually have to be grown from seed as ready grown plants are rarely available. The name morning glorycomes from the plants’ flowering habit. The blooms open early and only for a day, fading by mid-afternoon in hot weather. Many flowers are borne in succession so this plant makes a lovely display for months, flowering throughout summer and into early autumn. The blooms come in a range of varieties and colours of which the best-known is Heavenly Blue. Morning glory can grow up to several feet high .

Basil Red Rubin

Red Rubin basil is an improved variety of Dark opal basil. Like many basils it is a cultivar of Osimum basilicum. This basil variety has unusual reddish purple leaves and a stronger flavour than sweet basil making it most appealing for salads and garnishesWikipedia

Scientific name: Ocimum basilicum ‘Purpurascens’


I did a load of tidying up in the garden this morning and I reached the point where I had to stop and have a rest. Glenn made me a drink and I sat at my desk drinking it and looking through my box of old seeds. Recently I sowed some Amaranth seeds and today they were all peeping through looking very red. Coincidentally, I found some seeds of Basil Red Rubin. I’m not a fan of Basil but as it was a beautiful red colour I decided to sow some in a nice pot I’d come across. After reading the quote below I quite like the idea of making an oil and vinegar dressing if these seeds grow successfully.

Update – 11th May these seeds are showing through already and strangely look like blue powder sprinkled over the surface of the pot.

This fragrant basil with vibrant purple leaves also produces pink flowers making it a superb ornamental plant. It is perfect when used fresh for making vinegar and oils as well as adding colour to salads. Sow indoors in February and March in normal compost or outdoors in a well drained soil from April to May. Barely cover seeds with fine compost germination takes between 10-20 days.

Plant World Seeds

Anemones Coronaria ‘De Caen’

Anemone coronaria de Caen are hardy perennial and are said to flower twice a year. You can also stagger the flowering time by planting a different times. Planting in Autumn will flower in spring. Planting in April the flowers will appear during July. Planting in June the flowers will appear in September.

Anemones originate from Europe and the Mediterranean. They are perennial, dying back after flowering to become dormant through summer and autumn, regrowing the following spring. Anemone coronaria is best grown in pots which you can move under cover for winter. I must remember to bring them in over winter. I honestly don’t expect to see any flowers this year but if I take care of them over winter maybe I shall be luckier this time. This variety is also known as the florists flower as they grow taller. I have, over the years, tried all the varieties, this one included I’m sure.

I have bought these flowers so many times over the years as I have always loved them and can remember my mother buying the cut flowers for a vase in the house. However, I have never grown them successfully. When I was choosing my order for Farmer Gracy, I hesitated, thinking what’s the point as they never appear in my garden, but when, right at the end, I was a bit short to qualify for free delivery, I impulsively added them. Twenty bulbs for £3.60. After soaking them overnight, I have put them in a medium sized pot with some good compost so I am hoping for a treat this year.

Westland Fish, Blood and Bone.

Westland Fish, Blood and Bone is a natural plant food best for stronger growth, greener foliage, and more flowers, fruits, and vegetables. It is an exceptional all purpose feed suitable for flowers, fruit, trees, shrubs, and vegetables. With its convenient ready to use formulation it provides hassle free application.

Fish, Blood and Bone is a good natural source of all three of the major nutrients. Nutrients are taken up efficiently due to a longer period of release in the soil. Being especially high in phosphorus makes it particularly good for stimulating strong, healthy root growth.

I bought this large tub of fertiliser last spring and I think I only used it once. It comes in powder form and today I have sprinkled it around all the plants and watered it in promising myself that I shall use it every two months this season.

Helleborus Ice Breaker ‘Max’

Helleborus Gold Collection

Helleborus HGC® Ice Breaker® Max is a low-maintenance gem that shines in your garden. Plant it in well-drained soil with partial to full shade. Water consistently, especially during dry spells, while avoiding waterlogged conditions. Ice Breaker can flower from December to March and is very low maintenance needing only tidying up of the old leaves to allow the new flowers to come through. Apply a balanced slow release fertiliser in early Spring to nourish its growth


This year Sean turned up on my birthday with five Hellebore plants bought by himself and Deb. One of them is a variety that I’d never heard of called Ice Breaker. One of a collection called the Gold collection. A large plant smothered in beautiful greenish white blooms. The others were Hellebore Niger which is the variety that I am familiar with and have a few roots of in the garden. I think Ice Breaker is a cultivar of Niger and is also sold as Snow Rose. Helleborus x Nigercors.

I love the flowers of Hellebore and especially the white. They have a special place in my heart and I can’t wait to have them naturalising in the garden. I hope I’m around for a few more Springs so that I can see them shining through after Christmas and reminding us that Spring has arrived.

Helleborus can be rhizomatous, herbaceous or semi-evergreen perennials forming a clump of pedate basal leaves, or evergreen with erect, leafy stems. Large, bowl shaped flowers arrive in loose clusters in late winter or spring. Helleborus HGC Ice Breaker Max is a member of the Ranunculaceae family and is a hybrid created in Germany. 

Warning Harmful if eaten, skin irritant. Wear gloves and other protective equipment when handling.