Fuchsia Hawkshead and Blackie

Fuchsia Hawkshead White Hardy

I’ve had this hardy bush type Fuchsia on my wish list for some time and this year I managed to acquire six very healthy looking plugs of both White Hawkshead and Blackie. I have potted them on into small pots of multi purpose compost for now. The Hawkshead is a free flowering small deciduous shrub producing small pure white single flowers subtly flushed green at the base against mid green leaves. Flowering from early summer to first frost in autumn. I really hope I can get these going. I have a couple of large flowering Fuchsia but apparently the smaller flowering varieties are more hardy.


Fuchsia Blackie

I bought these plugs along with Hawkshead. They are a half-hardy Perennial and one of the darkest fuchsia’s there is. It has double petals of dark, almost black , A bush fuchsia that has a slightly lax habit so often used in hanging baskets. Needs protection from frost. https://southeasternhorticultural.co.uk/product/fuchsia
