Rhubarb Victoria – Planting and Plant Care

I have just been reading back on the blog after doing a search for Rhubarb. When we had the allotment one of the resounding successes was the Rhubarb bed. It was not hard work and gave us a bountiful harvest year after year. I have bought a root of Rhubarb Victoria which was the best variety in my opinion being hardy, productive and very tasty. I bought it from McIntyres again as, based on experience, I trust them to provide good healthy plants.

Victoria is a long established main crop variety and I am sure it is the variety that we had in my family garden when I was growing up in the prefab. We had a large wrap around garden which my mother put to good use growing produce for the table plus flowers. Happy days!!!

Rhubarb Victoria fruits during the summer months and can grow to 3′ so I shall need to prepare a good space for it. I have an initial spot in mind but I don’t intend to put it into the ground until the soil warms up a bit and I have dug in some good rotted compost. I intend to give the roots a dusting of mycorrhizal fungi powder to encourage the root to establish well.


  • The roots of Rhubarb need to go deep so an depth of two spades needs to be worked and plenty of rotted manure added if available.
  • Plant as soon as the weather permits and in a position that gets the sun.
  • Dig the hole large enough to avoid disturbing the crown and the root ball and with space all around to allow for root growth. The crown is at or just below the soil level. Firm in gently and water in well.

Follow Up Care

  • Pruning: Remove all flower spikes as they appear as you don’t want your plant to go to seed.
  • Mulch: Mulch annually with well rotted compost or manure and cover with straw avoiding the crown.
  • Water: Water regularly during the fruiting season and especially in very dry periods.
  • Feeding: Apply a high potash feed in February and for best results a liquid feed every couple of weeks during the fruiting season.

Warning: The leaves of Rhubarb are extremely toxic

Update – 28th April 2024. I have now planted this Rhubarb plant in the garden. I has done very well in the pot so I hope I have done the right thing by moving it. We shall see.