Sunny Sunday

After all the rain we have had lately it was a welcome change to be working in the mild sunny weather we had today. We arrived at the plot early and before long the good weather had brought all the plot holders out to play. We moved the small Wilko greenhouse into the lean to and it fitted perfectly along one side of the back wall. I moved the Sweetpea seedlings in there. They are coming along nicely, only one pot yet to show anything. I will need to keep a close eye on them as they have to be pinched out to stop them going straggly. I moved some Cauliflower seedlings from under a cloche and sowed another tray of Cauliflower All Year Round and put both in the greenhouse. We also sowed thirty or so Leek Musselbrough seeds in a 7″ pot. We sowed a few more Broad Bean Aquadulce along the back of the trellis where the ones we sowed in October are about a foot tall now. They have flowers but we don’t expect them to fruit as they will probably be taken at the first frost. We will see.
We also put in a row of Peas, Fortune, as an experiment alongside the carrot bin. I have put wire netting protection along but haven’t covered with any plastic or fleece as yet.
Rob finally screwed the brass plot number 8 to a stake and hammered it in at the top of our plot. We were given it by a nice lady on freecycle.
Keith confirmed again that we could go ahead and start planting on his old plot so we came back and made a detailed plan of where we are going to plant our seed potatoes. At present they are laid out on egg trays in the garage which is probably too warm but was the only space available. I shall be happy when we have signed on the dotted line and paid the rent on both the plots which should be in April.
The chap who has the plot immediately above ours gave us two Celeriac and loads of Artichoke slips. My first feeling is that we will probably plant some of the Artichoke slips for the flowers rather than to eat and give some away. I roasted a few tonight but am not too keen. Haven’t tried the Celeriac yet.
Exciting moment of the day. We noticed heads forming on the Broccoli in the brassica cage.