Basil Red Rubin

Red Rubin basil is an improved variety of Dark opal basil. Like many basils it is a cultivar of Osimum basilicum. This basil variety has unusual reddish purple leaves and a stronger flavour than sweet basil making it most appealing for salads and garnishes. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Ocimum basilicum ‘Purpurascens’
I did a load of tidying up in the garden this morning and I reached the point where I had to stop and have a rest. Glenn made me a drink and I sat at my desk drinking it and looking through my box of old seeds. Recently I sowed some Amaranth seeds and today they were all peeping through looking very red. Coincidentally, I found some seeds of Basil Red Rubin. I’m not a fan of Basil but as it was a beautiful red colour I decided to sow some in a nice pot I’d come across. After reading the quote below I quite like the idea of making an oil and vinegar dressing if these seeds grow successfully.
Update – 11th May these seeds are showing through already and strangely look like blue powder sprinkled over the surface of the pot.
This fragrant basil with vibrant purple leaves also produces pink flowers making it a superb ornamental plant. It is perfect when used fresh for making vinegar and oils as well as adding colour to salads. Sow indoors in February and March in normal compost or outdoors in a well drained soil from April to May. Barely cover seeds with fine compost germination takes between 10-20 days.
Plant World Seeds