Spring 2022 – Asarina Scandens Climber

It has been a long, long year since I wrote on my diary/blog. Mainly, I think, because I have been very depressed and not feeling very well either. I have no idea why, this morning, I feel the urge to write. Maybe its the signs of Spring in the garden; the green shoots peeping through the ground; hopefully it is because I am really feeling better in myself. I hope so.
The pandemic is no longer raging on more creeping amongst us and we are having to live with it. We are all more familiar with our enemy these days and have become knowledgeable about viruses in general and how to keep safe from infection. Public health has become the responsibility of the global population.
Then: just as we were thinking it was safe to go into the water: War in Europe!! The Russian army, once again, under orders from Vladimir Putin, have invaded Ukraine. I don’t intend to relate stories of the war on this blog, but as this is, in effect, my diary I feel I have to mention it as a marker in my life.
I intend to make the main thrust of my blog the daily activities that happen in my home and garden. I have added the Amazon affiliate function again as an experiment.
Asarina, The Snap Dragon Vine.
On March 13th 2021 I sowed a few seeds of this climber and one plant has survived the Winter. Today I transplanted a strong looking root into a deeper pot. I have yet to see a flower but am hopeful that I shall see some this year. I had another look online for information about this climber which I had thought was a delicate creature only to find that it eventually grows into quite a tough woody plant once it becomes established. Other knowledgeable people say that its best to start each year from seed. However, I have searched through my seed stash box and find that I must have sown all of the seeds that I had last year. Fingers crossed for success this year.
Sow indoors in spring in good light with some warmth. Germination can be erratic. Pot up seedlings individually and pinch back when out 10cm. Do not overwater. Grow on until frosts have passed, then plant outside in the border or large containers. Sarah Raven https://www.sarahraven.com/products/asarina-scandens-mystic-rose