Ranunculus Asiaticus Aviv Mixed

Persian Buttercup Corms
Fifteen of these strange looking claws. Completely new to me this year. I have admired them but never grown them myself. Instructions say I have to soak them 3 to 12 hours before planting in multi purpose compost. They can be put directly into the garden but I know that my soil can be cold and I don’t want to risk it so it will be another pot.
Ranunculus are a member of the Buttercup family Ranunculaceae. Now, I know that a Buttercup plant needs plenty of space but I’m not sure how much space each claw will need. Over to Google.
Ranunculus corms are planted 9″apart at a depth of 2″ to 3″ Plant corms with the claws pointing down. Thank you Google.
30th April pm – I’ve planted the first five Ranunculus tonight. I put the pot beside the little bench by the cherry tree. I’ve run out of pots and compost now. I have ten left plus twenty Anemone corms still to plant. I also have seedlings still coming on that will need potting on. 5th May – New pots and compost has arrived and the corms and claws are all planted.
Ranunculus means little frog in Latin. Rana meaning frog and unculus meaning little.