Peony Mystery

In January 2018 I bought a bare root of a white peony from Wilkos. When it eventually flowered it threw up one flower head which was very pink. This year is the first time since then, eight years ago, that I have had two flower buds. It always seemed to want to just produce one flower and a very tall one at that. I did nothing different this year and it’s reached for the sky but produced two flowers. I am sure that there is something that I should have been doing with this plant so I’ve turned to google.
Types of Peony
Peonies can be divided into three groups, herbaceous, tree peonies and intersectional peonies. The stems of herbaceous peonies are fleshy and die back in autumn and grow again in spring. Tree peonies are woody and remain visible all year round. Intersectional peonies have stems that are both herbaceous, dying back in autumn and woody like tree peonies.
- Peonies may not show their true bloom for two to five years.
- If you have a peony in the garden and it isn’t flowering, it is probably because it has been planted too deeply or it has been buried when you have mulched your borders. Just wait until the autumn and then, taking care not to damage the buds on the roots, lift your peony and re-plant it at the right depth.
- Check that your peony is planted at the proper depth and make sure it has had time to become established.
- Plant the root around 5cm deep with any visible buds facing upwards.
Well, I had no idea that there were so many different types of Peony. I have a tree Peony in a pot that was a gift so again, I didn’t know much about the care it needs.
I’m assuming that my peony is a Herbaceous type so after a bit of research I have decided to enjoy this years flowers, two, and then in the Autumn remove it from its pot and replant it at the correct depth. In late May or early June herbaceous peonies produce long stems topped with fat buds that open into large flowers. These flowers come only in a limited range of colours. These are white, pink and red.
Tree Peony
I have the tree peony in a large pot which we transplanted it into this Spring. Tree peonies can be grown successfully for several years in a large container. Apparently these flower in the Spring so it looks as though we may have shocked it by moving it so there will be no flowers again this year. After having a look online at the varieties available in this type of peony it will be a nice surprise when it does flower to be able to name the variety.
“Peonies can live to a great age. Keep it watered and mulch every spring and it’ll flower in the next few years.” Well, that’s encouraging news from Monty Don.
Intersectional Peonies also known as Itoh Peonies are hybrids created by crossing a tree peony and an herbaceous peony. These hybrids produce flowers and leaves reminiscent of the tree peony parent. After looking at these hybrids I think that maybe these may be the best type to grow. There are such a variety of beautiful blooms.
“Intersectional peonies are sometimes called ‘Itoh’ peonies in honour of the Japanese breeder Toichi Itoh who first developed the hybrids in the 1940s.“
I feel a bit more informed now about Peonies in general and specifically about the two that are growing in my garden.